We write for a diverse audience. Here are some highlights:
Research Councils and educational institutions
Tremblay, C. (2017). Impact Assessment: Community-engaged Research at the University of Victoria. Prepared for the Office of Vice President Research. University of Victoria.
Tremblay, C. & Bagelman, C. (2016). Social Innovation Cohort: Impact Report. Prepared for the Vancouver Island Social Innovation Zone, funded by the J. W. McConnell Family Foundation.
Tremblay, C., Hall, B., Tandon, R. (2014). Global trends in support structures for Community University Research Partnerships: Survey Results. A report prepared by the UNESCO Chair in Community-based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education.
Gutberlet, J. (2013). Informal cooperative recyclers tackle global environmental challenges. In: ISSC and UNESCO (2013), World Social Science Report 2013, Changing Global Environments, OECD Publishing and UNESCO Publishing, Paris, pp.: 326-332.
Albanás Couto, G., Gutberlet, J. Pontuschka, N.N., Baeder, A. & Dias de Araujo, S. (2012). Seminário Internacional de Coleta Seletiva. Encerramento do Projeto Gestão Participativa e Sustentável de Resíduos Sólidos (PSWM) / Projeto Brasil-Canadá e Construção de perspectivas de inclusão e de sustentabilidade. Santo Andre (Report).
Hall, B., and Tremblay, C. (2012). Learning from SSHRC Funded Partnerships: Community outcomes and conditions for success. Commissioned by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).
Tremblay, C. (2012). Civic engagement at the University of Victoria. Compiled for the ad hoc Civic Engagement Steering Committee at the University of Victoria, Canada.
Tremblay, C. (2010). Exploring the conservation-based Social Economy in Canada: innovations for sustainable development. Prepared for the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships (CSERP).
Hall, B., Downing, R., and Tremblay, C. (2009). The funding and development of community university research partnership in Canada: Evidence-Based Investment in Knowledge, Engaged Scholarship, Innovation and Action for Canada’s Future. Commissioned by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).
Tremblay, C. (2008). Binning Assessment in Vancouver: A City initiative in partnership with the United We Can (UWC) bottle depot, and other community partners. Report prepared for the City of Vancouver, Department of Engineering Services.
Gutberlet, J. (1997). Programa Nacional de Saúde, Segurança e Meio Ambiente: Subprograma Meio Ambiente (Elaboration of a national program for health, job safety and the environment: environmental subprogram. Proposal for a nationwide action plan on environmental education for the Brazilian Social Industrial Service). Serviço Social da Indústria SESI, Brasília. (Report).
Gutberlet, J. (2003). Rapid socio-economic assessment of fishing communities at the Sâo Francisco River in Brazil Report prepared for World Fisheries Trust, Victoria, September 2003. (Report).
Gutberlet, J. (2001). Avaliação do panorama de boas práticas em gestão ambiental municipal no Brasil (Report for the Project Urban environmental management). (Projeto Gestão Ambiental Urbana) GTZ-IBAM-MMA, Rio de Janeiro. (Report).
Gutberlet, J. (2000). O zoneamento ecológico-econômico nos estados Acre, Amazonas e Pará: Considerações metodológicas para uma abordagem participativa (Ecological and economic zoning in the states of Acre, Amazonas and Pará: methodological considerations regarding a participative approach). SPRN/PPG7/GTZ (Sub-Programa Nacional de Políticas de Recursos Naturais / Programa Piloto para as Florestas Tropicais dos G7 / Cooperação Técnica Alemν), Manaus. (Reports).
Academic journal articles
Jayme, B., Tremblay, C. & Monk, D. (2016). Recycling Stories: A community created mobile art gallery. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education. (in press).
Gutberlet, J. & Kain, J-H.; Nyakinda, B.; Oshieng, D. H.; Odhiambo, N.; Oloko, M.; Omolo, J.; Omondi, E.; Otieno, S.; Zapata, P. & Zapata Campos, M. J. (2015). Socio-environmental entrepreneurship and the provision of critical services in informal settlements. Environment and Urbanization (in press).
Tremblay, C., & Jayme, B. (2015). Co-creating community knowledge through Participatory Video. Journal of Action Research, 13(3): 298-314.
Gutberlet, J. (2015). Cooperative urban mining in Brazil: Collective practices in selective household waste collection and recycling. Waste Management. 45: 22-31.
Tremblay, C., & Hall, B. (2014). Learning from Community-University Research Partnerships: A Canadian study on Community Impact and Conditions for Success. International Journal of Action Research, 10(3): 376-404.
Gutberlet, J. (2014). More inclusive and cleaner cities with waste management co-production: Insights from participatory epistemologies and methods. Habitat International. 46: 234-243. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2014.10.004
Gutberlet, J. (2013). Gestão de resíduos sólidos. Revista de Geografia (UFPE), 30 (1): 6-23.
Tremblay, C. (2013). Towards Inclusive waste management: Participatory Video as a communication tool. ICE Journal of Waste and Resource Management, 66(4): 177-186.
Gutberlet, J. (2013). Briefing: Social facets of solid waste: insights from the global south. Waste and Resource Management, 166 (WR3): 110–113.
King, M. & Gutberlet, J. (2013). Contribution of cooperative sector recycling to greenhouse gas emissions reduction: a case study of Ribeirão Pires, Brazil. Waste Management, 33 (12): 2771-2780.
Gutberlet, J.; Baeder, A. M.; Pontuschka, N. N.; Felipone, S. M. N. & dos Santos, T. L. F. (2013). Participatory Research Revealing the Work and Occupational Health Hazards of Cooperative Recyclers in Brazil. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 10: 4607-4627. DOI:10.3390/ijerph10104607.
Gutberlet, J. (2012). Informal and cooperative recycling as a poverty eradication strategy. Geography Compass, 6/1 (2012): 19–34, DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-8198.2011.00468.x.
Tremblay, C. & Gutberlet, J. (2011). Empowerment through participation: assessing the voices of leaders from recycling cooperatives in São Paulo, Brazil. Community Development Journal, 46 (3): 282-302 [Online: DOI: 10.1093/cdj/bsq040]
Tremblay, C. & Gutberlet, J. (2011). Empowerment through participation: assessing the voices of leaders from recycling cooperatives in São Paulo, Brazil. Community Development Journal, 46 (3): 282-302.
Gutberlet, J. (2010). Waste, poverty and recycling. Waste Management, 30 (2): 171-173.
Tremblay, C., Gutberlet, J. & Peredo A. M. (2010). United We Can: Resource Recovery, Place and Social Enterprise, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 54 (7): 422-428.
Gutberlet, J., Tremblay, C., Taylor, E. & Divakarannair, N. (2009). Who are our informal recyclers? An inquiry to uncover crisis and potential in Victoria, Canada. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 14 (8): 733-747.
Gutberlet, J. (2009). The solidarity economy of recycling co-ops: micro-credit to alleviate poverty. Development in Practice, 19 (6): 737-751.
Books and book chapters
Tremblay, C. Lepore, W., Singh, W. (2017). Mutual learning and empowering support: networks and balance between local and global demands. In; 6th Word Report on Higher Education. Global University for Innovation (GUNi): Barcelona, Spain.
Tremblay, C. & Bagelman, C. (2017). Where pedagogy and social innovation meet: assessing the impact of experiential education in the third sector. In: Osman & Hornsby “Transforming Higher Education: Towards a Socially Just Pedagogy”. Palgrave Macmillan.
Hall, B., Tandon, R., & Tremblay. C. (2015). Strengthening Community University Research Partnerships: Global Perspectives. University of Victoria Press: Victoria, Canada.
Gutberlet, J. (2008). Recycling Citizenship, recovering resources: Urban poverty reduction in Latin America Ashgate, Aldershot, 163 pp.
Gutberlet, J. King, M. F. & da Silva, D.M. (2015) Contribuição de cooperativas de reciclagem para a redução de emissão de gases de efeito estufa (Contribution of recycling cooperatives to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions). Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea). (in press)
Gutberlet, J.; Baeder, A. M.; Pontuschka, N. N.; Felipone, S. M. N.; dos Santos, T. L. F. & de Souza, M. A. (2015). Pesquisa-ação em educação ambiental e saúde dos catadores: Estudo de caso realizado com integrantes de cooperativas de coleta seletiva e reciclagem na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil (Action research for environmental education and occupational health: A study with members of recycling cooperatives in metropolitan São Paulo). Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea). (in press)
Gutberlet, J. & Tremblay, C. “Peace and social inclusion: Experiences with recycling cooperatives in Brazil and Canada”. In: MacPherson, I. Co-ops and Peace (in press).
Gutberlet J., Jayme de Oliveira B. & Tremblay C. Participatory Action Research with members of recycling cooperatives. Chapter in: Palgrave International Handbook of Action Research (in press).
Gutberlet, J. & Donoso, M. (2015). Zero waste: climate mitigation and poverty reduction with cooperative recycling. In: Hirsch, T., Lottje, C. & Netzer, N. (Eds.) Exploring Sustainable Low Carbon Development Pathways. Pioneers of Change. 21 good practices for sustainable low carbon development in developing countries. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, pp. 25-37. http://www.fes-sustainability.org/de/low-carbon-development-pathways/study-pioneers-change.
Tremblay, C.; Gutberlet, J. & Bonatti M. (2015) Celebrating Community-University Research Partnerships: Experiences in Brazil. In: Hall, B.; Tandon, R. & Tremblay, C. (Eds.), Strengthening community university research partnerships: global perspectives. Victoria: University of Victoria and PRIA, pp. 73-94.
Gutberlet, J., Tremblay, C. & Moraes, C. S. V. (2014). The community based research tradition in Latin America. In: Higher Education and community based research, Edited by Munch, Mellrath, Hall, B. and Tandon, R., London: Palgrave Macmillian Publishers, pp. 167-246
Tremblay, C., & Peredo, A.M. (2014). Participatory Action Research as an approach for Collective Social Entrepreneurship: the recycling cooperative movement in Brazil. In: David J. Ketchen, Donald D. Bergh (ed) 9 “ Research Methodology in Strategy and Management (RMSM). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Tremblay, C., & Amyot, S. (2013). Participatory Sustainable Waste Management Project in Brazil. In: Hall, B., Jackson, E.T., Tandon, R.J., Lall, N., & Fontan, J.M. “Knowledge, Democracy and Action: Community-University Research Partnerships in Global Perspectives”. Manchester University Press.
Tremblay, C. (2010). Advancing the Social Economy for Socio-economic Development: International perspectives. In: Downing, R. “Canadian Public Policy and the Social Economy”, University of Victoria, Victoria. pp 13-61.
Gutberlet, J. (2010). Participatory video for empowerment. In: D. Clover, B. Jayme, S. Follen, B. Hall (3rd Ed), The Nature of Transformation.Published by Department of Adult Education, Community Development, and Counselling Psychology, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto ISBN 0-919971-35-0. pp. 121–125.
Popular education material
King, M. & Gutberlet, J. (2013). Carbon credits and recycling (Brochure).
Pontuschka, N.N. Gutberlet, J., Baeder, A., Felipone, S.M.N., dos Santos, T.L.F. & Dias, S.A. (2012). Environmental Education and Health (Brochure).
Tremblay, C. (2015). ‘Water is Life’, a community documentary co-created with ISODEC in Accra, Ghana as part of the Water Governance program at the University of British Columbia. Supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). (Video)
Tremblay, C. (2015). ‘It’s Your Chance – Ithuba Lakhu’, a community documentary co-created with Iliso Care Society in Khayelitsha, South Africa as part of the Water Governance program at the University of British Columbia. Supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). (Video)
Carrieri, A. & Gutberlet, J. (2014) Catadoras and Catadores: Working in recycling cooperatives. Access: www.JuttaGutberlet.com
Gutberlet, J., Tremblay, C. & Searl R. (2010). Participatory Video Practitioners Toolkit (Video Documentary – English/Portugues). Access: www.JuttaGutberlet.com
Gutberlet, J. et al. (2010). Participatory Sustainable Waste Management Booklet. CBRL. Access: www.JuttaGutberlet.com
Gutberlet, J., Tremblay, C. & Searl R. (2009). Beyond Gramacho (Video Documentary – English/Portuguese). Access: www.JuttaGutberlet.com
Gutberlet, J. & Tremblay, C. (2009). Binning through Victoria: experiences with participatory video (Video Documentary – English). Access: www.JuttaGutberlet.com
Gutberlet, J., Tremblay, C. and Searle, R. (2009). Cooperpires: Recycling of citizenship. EkosTV Communications. Access: www.JuttaGutberlet.com